Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What do you do?

So my doctor has ordered me to have some time regular time on my own-as much as I love my babies I need some time away from them to breathe and feel like a adult. But now I have to work out how it will work out. With Paige still being on the boob I can't really be away for to long so I'm a little at loss as to how it will fit into my day/week.
What do you do? Do you get a few hours a week to do your own thing? Or to you just make the most of the evenings when they are in bed? Do you have a hobby you do?
I know I should look into using time to do some form of exercise-I wish it was summer, I miss being able to go for a walk in the evening. Maybe I should look at doing some form of regular excerise class?


  1. I've started doing cross stitch in the evenings but have also found a place just around the road that offers Zumba classes for $5 a session (or $3 if you get a concession card) so I'm starting that next week. I also find grocery shopping without the kids to be a nice time for me and the supermarket is surprisingly quiet on a Thursday night, although that could be because one of the others has just reopened!

  2. I go to yoga one night a week - I b/f my son, put him to bed and race out the door. For me, yoga is ideal because it's 1.5hrs where I don't have to concentrate on anything except me. And occasionally I escape for an hour in the weekend to go and sit in a cafe with a book and a piece of cake that I don't have to share! Does wonders for my sanity :)

  3. We've worked out a system between me and Hubby where we take turns to have a couple of hours in the weekend while the other parents. I usually try to go for a nice long walk if the weather is suitable, or visit the library if it's not.
