Friday, July 22, 2011

Things I'm loving

Another Friday has come around already. Time to reflect on the things that matter-so of course I am linking up with Paisley Jade.

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is. 

Its school holidays so the things I'm loving is the stuff that keeps Miss Lara with that.....

On Wednesday we traveled out to Staglands with some friends. Was a frosty start to the morning, but once we got going the sun warmed the fingers. Surrounded by dense forest in the middle of no where-loved it! 
Lara, Paige and I hadn't been to Staglands before, where as her friends had. Lara was a little freaked by the animals but all in all had a awesome time. The trip was finished off with a trip to the cafe and before heading back on the road we had some home made chocolate muffins.

Cheeky Monkey
I have made so many great friends on the this fourm.. And of course from that comes numerous coffee groups. Today I met up with a great bunch of them and Lara had a super blast. 
(Sharyn took some photos but she is out tonight so we probably won't see them till tomorrow.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Soup Recipes Please!

I love soup, but I have a very limited range of soups that I make-so far I tend to stick with Pumpkin Soup. 
Last Sunday I made a chicken soup which came out really well-Lara even ate all of hers. (I did cheat and used a cooked chicken from the supermarket.) I really want to make an effort to be trying new meals, and well soups are just so great. And of course another bonus is soup often is cheap to make and lasts more than one meal.

So please feel free to leave me a comment with links to your great soup recipes. Thanks :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What do you do?

So my doctor has ordered me to have some time regular time on my own-as much as I love my babies I need some time away from them to breathe and feel like a adult. But now I have to work out how it will work out. With Paige still being on the boob I can't really be away for to long so I'm a little at loss as to how it will fit into my day/week.
What do you do? Do you get a few hours a week to do your own thing? Or to you just make the most of the evenings when they are in bed? Do you have a hobby you do?
I know I should look into using time to do some form of exercise-I wish it was summer, I miss being able to go for a walk in the evening. Maybe I should look at doing some form of regular excerise class?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby on the move!

It looks as though Miss Paige is on the move-we have forward movement! Not quite a crawl but she can get to where she wants to go. Guess I need to really keep on top of Lara keeping all small toys off the floor now.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, Babyled weaning, Pureed First Foods.

I'm at a loss with it all. Paige has become a struggle to breastfeed and I want to stop. She is so busy taking in everything that is going on in the world that she doesn't want to stop and feed. I try and feed her in the bedroom away from it all, but she still fights it. But as she won't take a bottle or sippy cup I have no choice but to keep trying. She has started solids but at the moment she is to unco for babyled weaning and is refusing to take pureed food.
She needs to be feeding more during the day, she needs to start getting more food. She is so close to being on the move so she needs to energy. All the energy she is using during the day means she is up 3-4 times at night.
Yesterday she had two breastfeeds during the day, and a few attempts at eating toast, pear and apple slices.
In the end I had a massive cry to mum on the phone, feeling like I have no clue what to do with Paige. I'm still at a lose and don't know what to do. She is clearly fulling up at night as when she wakes for the day she won't feed till after she has had a nap. (10.30ish)

Ahhhh I don't know what to do!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Time for a Video! (#2)

Well I've never posted a video on my blog-but I might as well try. This was taken last night, I'd gone to fill up the  bath and came back to this.

Viewer Warning-This video contains a Super Cute Giggle!
(Sorry about the poor lighting and quality, it was taken at night)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Things I'm loving (#1)

So today I will start of my 30 in 30 with Things I'm loving. Might as well start on a happy note.
And of course I'm linking up with Paisley Jade.

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is. 

Sister's having a tea party!

Lara trying to feed Paige 

Loving my new highchair!
Phil and Teds - Highpod

Paige loves it as well.
Phil and Teds - Highpod
Brown Brothers Moscato-YUM!!!
So easy to drink and only 5.5% Alcohol-which is a good
thing as one bottle went down very fast the other night.  

Hope I've managed to link up properly eeek.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Haha-what a fail!

Oh dear I didn't even manage two posts before failing. Shocking (not really-this is me we are talking about) I remembered I hadn't posted just as I was getting the shower last night. By then I thought *mewh* I'll just have to start again.....
So here we go again.
30 posts in 30 days.
Can I do it?

You'll have to wait and see.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time for a photo update.

Paige and Lara are growing so fast. I can't believe my baby is 5mths old, and my big girl is 3 and a half. Lara is loving going to kindy and has made heaps of friends. She is picking up heaps of maori words and is often singing the songs they do at kindy.
Paige is growing like a weed. She is so close to crawling! Loves to roll round, gets up on her hands and knees (some times toes as well) Her favorite place to be is in the Jolly Jumper.
(Please excuse the quality of the last three photos-combo of bad lighting and kids that will not stay still!)
Lara and her building

Paige in her highchair
Chilling on the floor

Goofing round

Bed time cuddles

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blogging Mojo...

How do you all do it? I stop, start, stop, start. I can't seem to keep regularly posting. Blah silly kids zap all my energy! 

Ok so now I start again. Can I manage a post a day for 30 days?